logistic cyber-physical System design

Smart-Dynamics & Sensor-ads

Smart Carga Technologies fills the need for integration to the INDUSTRY 4.0 for a complete life-cycle of the Supply Chain.
Innovation on logistics gives you the advantage to claim your share in a 4.5 TRILLION dollars of revenues in this sector.

Digital-twins for transportation of any kind of goods is a big step for the integration in the new model of the supply chain,our sensors giving real-time data for predictive analysis results in an efficient and seamless process.

Smart-dynamics is key to saves energy, We designed a revolutionary solution with new materials for transforming the truck performance.

Sensor-Ads will have a huge impact on marketing with a smart billboard securely sending offers and publicity on the road

Circular Economy Logistics

Circular Economy Logistics represents an advanced and sustainable approach to supply chain management, emphasizing the minimization of waste and the maximization of resource efficiency. This model integrates principles of the circular economy, which focuses on extending the lifecycle of products through reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling.

2.000.000 trailers approximately are on the road in the united states implementing circular economy will reduce the environmental negative impact, saving resources and creating value.

Blockchain Platform

Digital Transformation and Automatization on Smart Factories develop the necessity to create a Logistic platform that works seamlessly in the products’ life-cycle.

Our platform offers transparency, traceability, trustworthy, always fulfilling by integrity, incorporated increasing connectivity over flexible automation, creating a business intelligent data-driven decision to predictive analytics.

Power customer-centric cycle, focusing on innovation with leading-edge technologies including the Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning over Blockchain.


Together we create an unforgettable memory and long lasting engagement

Supply chain Sensors


Historical shipment and operational data on real time to improve CX and efficiency on the Logistic environment.

Customer Centricity

From the inspiration to purchase to delivery and completion the customer journey is the focus of all the operation

Tracking & Monitoring

The key is efficiency if your supply chain is more visible, flexible and, resilient generating the power to predict and deliver a great customer experience.


Our solution aims to reduce the risk in the transportation like wrong routing, lost and stolen goods.

Smart Integrity

Data on location and conditions can give more control and decision making to optimize your supply chain.